Thursday, November 14, 2013

Drawing In Space - Illumination

For this project I began with the idea of intellectual illumination. I wanted my piece to inspire or educate. The lightbulb has always been symbol of having an idea. I decided to add a social component to my project and educate the viewer about social or environmental causes. I wrote the fact on the lightbulb first and then covered it with gesso until the words could not be seen. When the light is turned on though the words appear through the gesso. The point of having the viewer turn on the light is that a person has to be willing to learn the truth even though it may not be easy to hear. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Shadow Drawing

For the shadow drawing I chose to use a venetian cat mask as my object. I hung the mask in 15 different ways overlapping and connecting each shadow to create a unified piece. I chose the mask because of the negative space the eye holes created and the curvature of the mask's outline. The eyes gave me a lot of room to play with.